Is your department using a cloud-based, online menu planning program? If you’re not, and if you’re using a legacy system that has been in place for years and years, now is the time to make a change. It’s time to dust off the cobwebs from your current menu program and enter the digital age!
Benefits of Upgrading to Cloud-Based Solutions
“Why should I change what our district has in place?” you might ask. Sure, your legacy system may be working for you right now, but it’s not working for you. Let us explain.
While your current system may be functional, it is not providing you with all of the security, options, capacity, features and power that you could be getting out of an upgraded software system. Once you upgrade, you’ll be saying, “I didn’t know this program could do this for us!” and “I can’t believe I waited so long to upgrade!”
Here are four benefits for making that upgrade now:
- Compliance: Ensuring you are compliant with the USDA National School Lunch Program meal pattern requirements and that your program is eligible for reimbursement is something that your new USDA-compliant software will manage for you. An upgrade will help you keep compliant with local, state and federal guidelines.
- Flexibility: Modern menu planning programs can contain hundreds of recipes and thousands of ingredients! The reports and analysis tools at your disposal in a new meal planning program are inumerable! Plus, a cloud-based menu software program can be accessed from anywhere at any time. No need to run back to the office to log into your legacy program to get that data point you forgot to include in this week’s report.
- Automation: At the end of the day, wouldn’t it be nice to have a few minutes (or hours) back in your life that you would have instead spent on running the numbers and reports by hand? Let’s train your department to get everyone up to speed on your new software to improve overall efficiency in your department.
- Control Cost: By putting smart software in place, you’ll be able to improve your forecasting and make better ordering decisions. Order what you need for your menu plans, eliminate overproduction and ultimately reduce waste.

Software Selection
Don’t let the menu software options overwhelm you.There are more than 15 companies providing USDA-approved menu software to assist with planning, compliance and nutrient analysis. Unless you’re super human, you likely don’t have time in your schedule to review them all! But don’t let that stop you from reaping the benefits.
After analyzing your menu and assessing your needs, your My K12 Resource team member vets your selections and presents you with the three best menu software companies that would be a fit for your department. What are your needs – software that can clearly display the common allergens? Software to help improve forecasting? We’ll set up demos for you so that you can view them and make your decision. We’ll provide cost analysis for each. We’re here to answer any questions that you have about each program; read more about how we can help.
Data Entry Services
Once you’ve purchased and implemented your new menu planning software program, let’s make sure you’re maximizing it to full use. Are your recipes incomplete? Are you struggling with migrating your current data into your new system? Our data entry packages are designed to take care of this for you – quickly – so that you are up-to-speed and that your new software is fully-functional in no time. Our nutrition team is speedy and accurate. Let us help you transition so that you can start saving time and money now.
Implementation and Training
Your software is locked and loaded, but now what? Let us assist you in creating an implementation schedule that works best your department. We will train your staff on how to fully reap all the benefits that your new software as to offer. You be amazed at all of the data that you have at your fingertips, making your job that much easier!
If you’re ready to save time, save money, gain flexibility and ensure compliance in your menu planning efforts, it’s time to upgrade to an online program.
Reach out to us here at My K12 Resource to learn how we team up with you to get you on your way to not pushing Ctrl+Alt+Delete ever again!