Category: Menu Support

Score 100%: Menu Review

Follow these steps to achieve 100% on the menu portion of the Administrative Review (AR). These steps have been fine-tuned for you by My K12 Resource over the years and have consistently led to no fiscal action to our clients for through over 100 reviews. Let’s get started! Create your timeline Be proactive! Ideally, it […]

Why You Should Upgrade Now to a Cloud-Based Menu Planning Program for NSLP

Is your department using a cloud-based, online menu planning program? If you’re not, and if you’re using a legacy system that has been in place for years and years, now is the time to make a change. It’s time to dust off the cobwebs from your current menu program and enter the digital age! Benefits […]

Navigating School Lunch with Food Allergies (part 1)

Each May there is a week dedicated to increasing awareness of food allergies. This dedicated week serves as a reminder and an opportunity for schools and child nutrition professionals to re-emphasize the importance of understanding and managing food allergies, ultimately creating a safer and more inclusive environment for all students. For those who have been […]